Hello, Bugfixing for 0.14 has been going quite well this week, and while its still in experimental we've been adding some supplementary features before programming work begins properly on 0.15. With the summer ending, things have been settling back into a nice rhythm here in the office.
Hello, we are in the phase of finishing the bug report stream, we expect to smoothly transition from the bug fixing phase to the work on 0.15 in the upcoming weeks.
Hello, Albert is back this week, and has resumed his work on the liquid wagon and associated accessories, as well as offering his guidance to some visual related programming tasks. Kuba and Honza are also both back from their respective holidays, and overall the office is feeling much more full than last week.
Hello, it has been quiet here the last week, Rseding is back in America, Albert is in Spain, and some people have holidays. I have been programming until 9:30pm and then I realized I have to write Friday Facts, so it is going to be shorter today, although this happens quite often to me.
Hello! I have been deep down in the multiplayer internals the whole time since the last Friday facts. I think about multiplayer when I eat, I think about it when I ride my bike, I even have dreams about packets travelling from place to place, when my wife asks me what do I think about, I'm almost afraid to tell the truth. So obviously there is nothing else I could write about than the multiplayer in this Friday facts. This is going to be somewhat technical.
Hello again Factorians! The GFX department is back today for covering the process of making graphics for Factorio. I'll get a bit technical, but not too much in order to don't be absolutely boring. Next comes a resumed description of the actual process, so if you are a Factorio modder this might be interesting for you.